Latest Hypnosis News
In the history of hypnosis, there are many people who are important. One was Franz Anton Mesmer who in the period around 1779 gave hypnosis a name but the name he gave it was mesmerism. He was all the rage in the day. He felt he had the ability to magnetize people with his power. But we know…
Read MoreThe history of hypnosis can be traced to ancient times. It has been called numerous names in various places. Medicine men, witch doctors, and religious leaders have utilized it in many forms to heal the ill. The cures frequently were credited to miracles achieved by the gods. The Papyrus Ebers, an Egyptian medical record dating to…
Read MoreAnother major reframing that can take place in hypnosis involves the concepts and memories regarding our parents. It is implied as a part of our human condition to expect to have an inalienable right to possess perfect parents. Though, no one is privileged to have them. Still, we handle our disenchantment either by refusing to…
Read MoreDuring hypnosis, focusing a client’s concentration back toward childhood can uncover various valuable experiences and patterns that were planted deep below the surface of the conscious mind. Guiding a client to an earlier life experience can enhance memories beyond the normal recall of a childhood event and many times correct it. The specifics are not…
Read More“I cannot concentrate on how much I love you when you’re mad at me.” These were the words of a 40’ish year old man during a hypnosis session for stress, just two weeks ago. The winter holidays are a time for merry-making and family get-togethers, but it can have its pressures too. Can…
Read MorePast Tense… Many events in our lives were imprinted in the prenatal environment and at birth. Many experiences of earlier events can be seen in our present lives. Hypnosis healthcare can help adults cope with issues they never even knew existed. During the 9 months of pregnancy, early traumatic events are stamped into an individual.…
Read MoreDifficulties such as anxiety or depression have various causes. Personality difficulties such as passivity or negative beliefs such as telling yourself or others “it’s all my fault” have causes from the past. The same is true for many physical difficulties. Discovering earlier experiences can be the causation for present complaints and conditions. Past events can…
Read More. When a client is hypnotized and regressed to the prenatal stage, many times the feelings and emotions expressed are those of the mother. The infant’s understanding from the womb is blissful or painful, depending on the feeling received from the mother. These experiences influence the personality throughout a lifespan if there is no intervention.…
Read MoreWhen a client is hypnotized and regressed to the prenatal stage, many times the feelings and emotions expressed are those of the mother. The infant’s understanding from the womb is blissful or painful, depending on the feeling received from the mother. These experiences begin to influence the personality throughout your life if there is no…
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